Breakpoint Blocks

by Breakpoint One



Become the conqueror of your street and defend your territory! Hunt down your friends buildings and discover their avatars. You can conquer houses all over the world. Even on vacation!Dive into the exciting world of Breakpoint Blocks, the innovative augmented reality game from Breakpoint One! The game uses state-of-the-art AR and geospatial technologies to interact with real buildings and create a whole new gaming experience.CONQUER YOUR ENVIRONMENTPoint your smartphone at a building you want to conquer and tap the screen. A small colored block in your custom player color will fly towards the building and virtually stick to it. Congratulations, you have conquered the building!STRATEGIC BLOCK MANAGEMENT Use a variety of blocks to conquer buildings. The more blocks a building has, the better it is protected. Other players can try to capture the building with their blocks.LOYAL AVATARSEach player has a random avatar that goes everywhere with them. The pet shows other players who is nearby.GLOBAL CONQUEST GAME Conquer buildings around the world, even when youre on the go. Defend your territory against other players and take control of the streets of your city.This is the first release of Breakpoint Blocks. We hope you already have a lot of fun with it. We are already working on the next version. Send us your ideas and suggestions so we can make the game even better.